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Wednesday 17 April 2013

Computer Games should be used as A Teaching Aid by Learning Institutions

Electronic games are widely used in the west as leisure and playing tools for many years now, but recent exploits in computer technology has brought more intricate games that are replacing most of the electronic games. Using different themes, programmers are able to achieve more realistic features in the games that make them attractive even to the grownups. Theorists argue that continuous playing improves on the precision of the user e.g. car racing games are attributed with improved driving skills. Use of video games as a learning tool however is not popular with many institutions. Although, games are considered as a tool for passing on intelligence, many critics still believe that games are efficient time wasters (Dipetro et al 2007). This research paper will seek to establish the important aspects that are brought forth by use of games in learning institutions. The paper shall explore existing literature on the use of games and their importance in learning. 

Making Learning Fun
Edutainment, as it is commonly known, is using of video games to complement normal learning in classrooms. Games break monotony and makes some seemingly difficult lessons fun e.g. tutors might opt to use flying games in a mathematics class to pass difficult concepts. Games are addictive and enjoyable but when used correctly they help the students understand things that they find difficult absorb. The complexity of the games however differs depending on the targeted groups. Unlike for senior groups, kids’ games are designed to offer fewer challenges than those of the adults that tastes on a number of concepts at a time. While adults’ games can teach the players such concept as democracy and complex analyses, kids’ games are limited to easier concepts such as quick thinking and simple arithmetic’s (Kirkpatrick 2008).
Many companies are continuously designing educative games. One of such companies is Leapster; the company has built games aimed at helping students learn new concepts such as reading and spellings. The games are principally helping kids’ to work with the words instead of memorizing them like they do in their regular classes. Both network and standalone games are gaining momentum with the designers aiming solely at helping students with their learning. Sim City is another simple game that teaches the player basic skills such as building and planning. The commitment the players’ accords the game translates into understanding of basic educational and social concepts that are not at school.  
Improving Creativity
Many critiques have continuously sounded alarm on the current trends of using games as a learning tool. People, including former president Bill Clinton, assert that games aggravate the aggressiveness and violence in school kids’. Their assertions may be true but they cannot be relied upon in shaping the lives of the students. Previously games such as scrabble and chess were attributed with enhanced creativity and perseverance. This has also been the case with most of the educational games as they induce intuitiveness in the players’. The creativity acquired from video games is also observed in other lessons as the students try to think beyond their syllabus. It is observed that students tend to shy away from subjects that they don’t perform well but this is not the case with games as they tend to think there is more fun in understanding more games than their peers (Kirkpatrick 2008). Kids can persistently work on a trick in a game for many hours until they are able to solve it, the lessons learnt during the game are embedded deep inside their minds and the next time they play the game they try as much as possible to make extra moves than they did during previous plays.
Brain Structure
When players are engaged in a certain game, they tend to involve their conscious entirely. Students use vocabularies they encounter in particular games in their daily lives. Theorists also indicate that some motions and tactics adopted by the youths in their daily lives are acquired from games played. Games are known to involve very many aspects in the brain that in turn help in improving speed, perception and visual acuity. Continuous playing of particular games is also observed to have an impact on the depth of thinking and emotions. Scientifically it’s known that only 10 percent of brains are used during regular operations but with enhancement from different stimuli the brain usage improves tremendously. Games are particularly known to create false impulses that over works the brains and in the process making it to stretch beyond the normal limits (Baer, Oblinger, & Martin 2004). Teris, a game that involves turning of pieces in rapid successions has been attributed to alteration of the brain structure. The desirable changes in the brain structure can also be attributed with increased levels of intelligence in players of certain games. Just like playing chess that has been attributed with prominence and intelligence, many games are now targeting to expand the thinking capacities of the students.
Teamwork Enhancement
Through multiplayer and online games students are learning valuable teamwork concepts. Increased global population and reduction of resources around the world have brought extreme competitions in almost all aspects of life. People have reduced their public involvement drastically to dedicate all the available time to their goals and aspirations. Conversely, teamwork has been reduced considerably and hence individualism has sprung in almost all ventures. Games however are offering solace to all and they remain a significant pivotal point through which the communities can rediscover their commonness and associations. When players work together in a team, their collective efforts reflect the team’s prowess; which makes it necessary for every member to give their best input for a common good. During the game, a player maybe required to redeem or aid his peer complete a stage/level in the game because by doing so s/he will have propelled his/her team forward (Foreman 2004). Teamwork in games is also reflected in other necessary fields of studies as well as regular games. Different attributes that are notable in every member of the group are utilized maximally to the good of the team. The zeal and desire to defeat a common opponent breeds unity and harmony amongst team players. Games are creating a great platform that is nurturing desirable coexistence virtues in schools and the society at large.
Nurturing Creativity
Parents and teachers have demonizing all advanced made towards integrating games in education. There are fears associated with the additive nature of the games and also the aggressiveness that is observed in kids that play combat games. Games can be a dangerous instrument if they are not complemented by constructive advice. Just like movies, games come in all sorts of packages and natures and it’s the express responsibility of the senior members in the community to decide what sorts of games are to be played by the students. Destructive games and combative tact is a good thing because they can teach players on how to employ persistence and hard work but the aggressive nature of the game must be curbed through regular reminders that some of the things that happen in the games are non existence (Carpenter and Helen 2006).
Too much time spent playing games is not in vain after all. If the games that a kid is oriented to are educative, the time spent playing the game improves the kid’s knowledge on specific subjects that are tested in the game. Just like they do in the games, the kid learns how to link different aspects to come up with a whole. Mathematics is especially a great beneficially of game playing as summation, division, multiplication; integration and differentiation are all tested in many games. Kids’ creativity is greatly enhanced through playing games that challenge their every bit of intelligence.
Unlike what critiques are making many people to believe, game playing is not a bad thing after all. Apt care however is encouraged to avoid over doing some of the games’ aspects as they might not be helpful to the students; a day is only 24 hours and when student’s is constructively occupied s/he will have less/no time to involve in illicit games. Learning institutions should install and manage games in their laboratories to ensure that they only impart the desired traits in their students and at the same time they discourage unwanted aspects in their learning. Many researchers have indicated that enhanced playing improves the thinking capability; which is a desirable aspect in all learning institutions. As the learning institutions braze themselves for competitive academic prowess, it is advisable to maximize the utility drawn from some of the previously unused tactics.

Work Cited
Baer, Linda L., Diana G. Oblinger, & Martin Ringle. Unlocking the Potential of Games and Simulations as Learning Environments. Presentation.ELI Meeting. 2004.
Carpenter, Allan & Helen Windso., Ahead of the Game? Games in Education.  Serious Games Source. June 13, 2006.
Dipetro, Meredith, Richard E. Ferdig, Jeff Boyer, & Erik W. Black. Towards a Framework for Understanding Electronic Educational Gaming. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. 16.3 (July 2007): 225-248.
Emily, Anthes. How video games are good for the brain. The Boston Globe. 23.4(2009): 12-13.
Foreman, Joel, James. Game-Based Learning: How to Delight and Instruct in the 21st Century. Educause Review. 39.5 (Sept./Oct. 2004): 51-66.
Kirkpatrick, David. Educators who teach kids to make their own video games are on education's cutting edge. Computer games as liberal arts? June 28, 2008.

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