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Tuesday 12 April 2016

Chemical engineerinring research paper

Length: 4-5 pages, 12-point type double spaced, standard margins

Minimal research requirements:
·         Four sources from either printed or online materials available through the MSU library;
·         Four sources from commercial or organizational websites; Pop culture references (such as advertisements, music, videos/films, blogs; or primary research, such as interviews, emailed inquiries, blogs, social media.
·         Please remember these are minimal requirements. Most of your grade will reflect the quality of your research and analysis.  Your supporting evidence should reveal original inquiry, extensive investigation, and meaningful discoveries.
Documentation requirements: MLA-style parenthetical citations and Works Cited page.

ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION: You will begin by choosing apractice that represents larger themes in your discipline’s culture, or in another professional culture that you are considering.
Your essay should reveal surprising insights about the cultural practice, which should be on-going, current or in-development. It should also consider implications for larger cultures—such as the American mass culture or a transnational culture.
Although your essay will include evidence from multiple sources, it will also require personal thought, in terms of asking deep questions, reconsidering common assumptions, making objective observations, and analyzing both primary and secondary research.  A major portion of your grade will reflect your skills in critical and creative thinking,
You will find that this assignment is unlike the old-style, academic, research essays that you may have written in the past. Instead of beginning with a position and supporting it with evidence from secondary sources, you will use your own questions, observations and critical thinking to developdeeper insights.
Suitable Topics: Choose an artifact or practice that is related to your discipline, or one of your academic or professional interests. Please keep in mind that I often describe these essays in my letters of recommendation.

Unacceptable Topics:  Cultural Artifacts/Practices from other countries (such as chop sticks, tea ceremonies, abacus); Religious artifacts (such as the Bible, menorahs, rosaries, or baptism); obvious patriotic symbols, such as flags and military uniforms.Brand-name products, such as Disney, Barbie Dolls; Coca-cola; Starbucks;;  Overdone topics such as makeup or fashion items (like leggings), social media, such as Facebook and Twitter; and mainstream sports (such as baseball, basketball or football).

STYLE&AUDIENCE:Your essay should follow magazine-feature style with engaging language, anecdotes, illustrations, examples, and explanations; emphatic arrangements; and dramatic pacing. It should be written for college- educated readers of popular Science, Technology or American Culture periodicals, such asNational Geographic, Smithsonian, New Yorker, Atlantic,Nautilus,Wired, Scientific American,Psychology Today and lifestyle sections of world-class newspapers, such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
PURPOSE:The purpose of your article is to spark your reader’s curiosity and lead them to new insights and discoveries about a cultural artifact, idea, or practice.
LEARNING GOALS:To practice active inquiry, develop analytical thinking, explore a wide range of research methods, and become more engaging writers.

You will cover the same topic in a presentation and remix project for the class.

The presentation (15 percent) will include presentation software, such as PowerPoint. However, I will not accept Prezi presentations. Presentations should include audience interactions and possibly small demonstrations.

The remix project(5 percent)may involve a digital video, website, online or print magazine layout or appropriate handout materials. Students are welcome to ask me about other remix approaches. I will be flexible and open to creative ideas; however, I expect the remix projects to be effective forms of communication that are suitable for the subject matter. I understand that many students will be working with new technologies for the first time. Remix grades will represent intention, effort, and results.

To be efficient, you should do the research for both assignments at the same time. In other words look for visual images and audile clips, as well as primary sources and published sources.

To avoid repetition, students will need to select their topics as soon as possible. If you change your topic, you should notify me immediately. If one of your classmates has chosen the same topic, you will have to choose another.

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